doc. PaedDr. Viktória Šoltésová, PhD.
Ružová 13
974 11 Banská Bystrica
Slovenská republika
- Office: AB 318, A 205
- Phone: +421 48 446 4230, +421 48 446 4917, +421 48 4464230, +421 915 839 155
- E-mail: [email protected]
Professional characteristics
Associate professor Dr. habil. PaedDr. Viktória Šoltésová, PhD has been a research assistant at the Department of Theology and Christian Education, Faculty of Education, Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia since 2003 and the head of the department since 2015 to 2021. She is Pro-dean of the Faculty of the Education for the Development and System of the Quality from 2021 until now.
She is also the head of student apprenticeship at her department.
She received a PhD degree in religious education in 2008. As a teacher, she participated at the South African Theological Seminary (SATS) in Tanzania as a part of an accredited distance learning course in biblical studies at the University in Johannesburg (August 2008). In 2008, she attended the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in Boston, USA. She published a book Religiosity, Spirituality and Values in Religious Education (2014) and many articles in the area of religious education, New Testament translation and exegesis.
Educational experience:
since 1.1.2003 Department of Theology and Christian Education, Faculty of Education, Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica, Slovak Republic
Associate professor (from 2021)/Research Assistant (from 2003): teaching subjects: New Testament Greek, New Testament Exegesis, Religious Education/Catechetics, Missiology, Deacony, Continuous Evangelization Practice, Introduction to the Bible, Practice in the Gypsy Mission.
1996-1988 Institute for the handicapped children, Kosice, Slovak Republic
Educator in the Department of Artistic Work.
University Training and academic titles
2021 Dr. habil. "Sapiential sentences of Jesus" Matej Bel University, Pedagogic Faculty, Banska Bystrica, Slovak Republic
2003-2007 Doctoral studies (PhD.) Matej Bel University, Pedagogic Faculty, Banska Bystrica, Slovak Republic
Dissertation: „The Impact of the Religious Education on the Value Orientation of Roma Children“
2001-2004 Doctoral studies (PaedDr.) Matej Bel University, Pedagogic Faculty, Banska Bystrica, Slovak Republic
Thesis name: „The Possibilities of the Ecumenical Teaching in Religious Education“
1995-2001 M.A. Department of Evangelical Theology and Mission, Pedagogic Faculty, Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica, Slovak Republic
Thesis name:: „The Impact of the TV on the Children“
2003 Vocational training - project PHARE: Innovations in the Education system in the area of the Roma people self-realization. (The Slovak Republic Government Office and Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic)
Some Publications:
Religiosity, Spirituality and Values in Religious Education. Banska Bystrica: Belianum, 2014. ISBN 978-80-557-0659-7
Chapters in Books
Deacony in Slovakia. (Šoltésová - Masarik - Maďar) Banska Bystrica: Faculty of Education, Matej Bel University, 2019. ISBN 978-80-971394-7-6
Missiology centered on the Roma community. Banska Bystrica: Faculty of Education, Matej Bel University, 2004. 86 p. ISBN 80-8055-936-8
Some articles and research reports, presentations
- The influence of religious education on the religiosity of Roma children in Slovakia / Viktória Šoltésová, Matúš Pleva. In: Religious Education : the official journal of the Religious Education Association. - Philadelphia : Taylor & Francis, 2020. - ISSN 0034-4087. - Vol. 115, no. 5 (2020), pp. 536-548. (2020: CCC - A, JCI - 1.35, JCI kvartil - Q1, AIS - 0.220, AIS kvartil - Q3, CiteScore - 0.7, SJR - 0.355, SJR kvartil - Q1, SNIP - 1.09, Nordic List: Level 1). Dostupné na: [ŠOLTÉSOVÁ, Viktória (70%) - PLEVA, Matúš (30%)]
- The impact of online theological studies during the COVID-19 period on students' religiosity/spirituality: A qualitative analysis / Viktória Šoltésová, Marek Harastej.
In: Religions : interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal. - Basel : Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2024. - ISSN 2077-1444. - Vol. 15, no. 4 (2024), pp. [1-13]. Dostupné na:
[ŠOLTÉSOVÁ, Viktória (80%) - HARASTEJ, Marek (20%)] - The Pentecostal church in Slovakia and the common witness of evangelical churches in the spirit of partnership and cooperation / Viktória Šoltésová. In International review of mission. - Oxford : John Wiley and Sons, 2018. - ISSN 0020-8582. - Vol. 107, no. 1 (2018), pp. 179-189.
- Christian churches in Slovakia and Roma communities / Viktória Šoltésová. In Wschodnioznawstwo 2014. 1. - Wrocław : Instytut Studiów Miedzynarodowych Wydzialu Nauk Spolecznych Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 2014. - ISSN 2082-7695. - Roč. 3, č. 1 (2014), s. 31-41.
- Roma culture as the intercultural issue in the process of the bible translation with particular reference to Slovakia / Viktória Šoltésová, Pavel Hanes. In In search of meaning : current topics in philosophy and religion / ed. Martina Pavlíková, Primož Repar, Michal Valčo ; rec. Marie Roubalová, Janez Vodičar ... [et al.]. - 1. vyd. - Ljubljana : KUD Apokalipsa, 2014. - ISBN 978-961-6894-37-1. - S. 88-112.
- Die Religiosität der Romakinder in der Slowakei / Viktória Šoltésová.
In Gott hat das Auftrag gegeben : mit Kindern über Schöpfung und Weltentstehung nachdenken Herausgegeben / zost. Christina Kalloch, Martin Schreiner. - Stuttgart : Calwer, 2012. - ISBN 978-3-7668-4222-0. - S. 185-197 [1,05 AH]. - Crises Situations in the Czecho-Slovak Context after 1989 : a Reflection on the CECMS Conference in April 2011 in Bratislava / Viktória Šoltésová. In Central European Missiological Forum. - Praha : Central European Centre for Mission Studies, 2011. - ISSN 1803-1390. - Roč. 1, č. 1 (2011), s. 42-47.
- Ethnicity and Religious Orientation of the Roma in Slovakia. In Dynamizing Evangelical Witness in Post-Communist Era. Increasing Effectiveness of the Evangelical Churches in the Slovak Republic by Making the Best of Critical Theology. Prague: ECM, 2008. 121 pp. ISBN 978-80-7356-019-5
- Missiology focused on the Roma communities. Religiosity of the Roma people in the context of the Mission Education in Slovakia. In Do we need Missiology? If we do, why do we not teach it and develop it systematically? Conference of the Central European Centre for Mission Studies. Prague, Czech Republic, June 20, 2007.
- What Research says about increasing personal value orientations through the religious orientations. In Catechetic – History – Theology III. Anniversary volume from the International scientific conference. Ostrava, Czech Republic: Pedagogic Faculty Ostrava University, 2006.
- Understanding of Mission in Inclusivism. In Theological resources of the Evangelical theology. Anniversary volume from the International theological scientific conference. (March 1, 2006.) Banska Bystrica: DETM PF Matej Bel University, 2006.
- Characteristics of the Study Program „Social and Missionary Worker with Romany Community“ In KHETANES- TOGETHER. The anthology from the 1st seminar of Transnational Partnership of EQUAL project, Teply Vrch, September 23rd - 25th, 2005. Banska Bystrica: Pedagogic Faculty Matej Bel University, 2006. 110-117p. ISBN 80-8083-218-8
- Intercultural communication in the Religious education of the Romany children. In Theological resources of the Evangelical Religious education. Anniversary volume from the International theological scientific conference. (March 8, 2005) Banska Bystrica: DETM Pedagogic Faculty Matej Bel University, 2005. 116-126 p. ISBN 80-88945-83-6
- Understanding of Ecclesiology in Ecumenical perspective. In Journal of Evangelical Theology. Banska Bystrica: DETM Pedagogic Faculty Matej Bel University, 2003. No. 2, 47-55 p. ISSN 1336-1783
- Introduction to the New Testament. In International Symposium of „The Word for the World Bible Translators“. (Hermanovce nad Toplou, Slovak Republic, April 18-22, 2005)