Faculty of Education University of Matej Bel

Evangelical Theology

The entrance examination for individual Master’s study programs  

Evangelical Theology (Master’s degree) - the applicant has to provide evidence about successful completion of Bachelor’s Program of Evangelical theology and mission or a related theological study program. The entrance examination committee assesses the results of bachelor studies using a point scale. The quality of knowledge related to evangelical theology and mission is assessed. The candidates with the highest number of points and knowledge level will be admitted to this study.  

More detailed information about individual study programs and admissions can be found on the Faculty of Education Matej Bel University website and on the individual departments. 

Career opportunities for the graduates

Evangelical Theology (Master’s degree) - the graduates of the Evangelical Theology Master study programme are qualified to work mainly in church congregations and parachurch organisations, specifically in positions requiring independence, creativity, and invention. They can also work in educational, missionary, and social organisations, free-time activities organised by the state, public service, churches, and NGOs requiring the Master degree, e.g. missionary church posting, mission abroad, Christian kids’ clubs, youth work, daily senior centers, Roma mission, ecumenical activity, Christian publishing houses and biblical societies, Christian diaconical and charity institutions, Evangelism centres, Christian radio, and TV broadcasting, media activity, chaplain activity in prisons, hospitals, police, and army. The graduates can work in the following areas:     


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