Faculty of Education University of Matej Bel

Pre-primary and Elementary Teacher Education

The entrance examination for individual Bachelor´s study programs  

Pre-primary and Elementary Teacher Education (Bachelor’s degree) - the basic condition for admission to the study is the acquisition of a complete secondary education completed by the final school-leaving examination. Admission will be granted to applicants who meet the defined criteria in the following areas:    

  1. the result of a written test which measures the applicant's general knowledge,   
  1. the average of the grades in the end-of-year assessment for the 1st-3rd year of secondary school in the subject’s Slovak language and literature, mathematics and foreign language, 
  1. the applicant's activities, only activities documented by certificates, diplomas, diplomas or certificates from the organisation where they were carried out will be taken into account. The following activities will be assessed: primary art school, secondary vocational school (SOT), participation in competitions in art, sports, creative and other activities, educational activities and volunteering in the field of work with pre-school and younger school-age children, involvement in extracurricular activities, study abroad, participation in the Duke of Edinburgh International Award (DofE) programme, or other activities that the admissions board judges to be relevant in relation to the programme of study.  

In the second round of the admissions procedure, the applicants' communication and personal qualities for the chosen profession will be examined in a personal interview.  

Applicants from abroad must demonstrate a B2 level of Slovak language proficiency. As the compulsory study subjects include those in which the student demonstrates sports fitness, applicants are advised to enter the study in the knowledge that their state of health will enable them to fulfil the requirements.  

Career opportunities for the graduates 

Pre-primary and Primary Teacher Education (Bachelor's degree) - the graduate of this study program is qualified to be a kindergarten teacher (Kindergarten teacher, Worker in upbringing and education in another preschool facility), educator in the children's school club (Educator - except educator for people with special needs) and pedagogical assistant in kindergarten and primary school.  

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