Evangelical Theology and Mission
The entrance examination for individual Bachelor´s study programs
Evangelical Theology and Mission (Bachelor’s degree) - the basic condition for admission to the study is the acquisition of a complete secondary) - the basic condition for admission to the study programme is the completion of a full secondary education leading to the baccalaureate examination. Admission will be granted to applicants who meet the defined criteria in a personal interview, which tests the applicant's knowledge of biblical studies and church history based on the prescribed literature (listed on the department's website) and the applicant's communication skills.
Career opportunities for the graduates
Evangelical Theology and Mission (Bachelor’s degree) - the graduates of the Evangelical Theology and Mission Bachelor study program are qualified to perform clerical activity primarily in Evangelical church congregations, in organizations focused on education, charity, diaconical, and missionary activity, and serve in churches and non-governmental organizations requiring the Bachelor’s degree, e.g. missionary church posting, mission abroad, Christian kids’ clubs, facilities providing basic subsistence (reception centers, shelters, halfway houses for ex-convicts, low-threshold daily children and family centers, emergency housing, supported housing and social services facilities, prison, police, army, and hospital pastoral care. youth work, daily senior centers, Roma mission, ecumenical activity, Christian publishing houses and biblical societies, Christian diaconical and charity institutions, Evangelism centers, Christian radio, and TV broadcasting, and media activity. The graduates can work in the following areas:
- Church: deacon, chaplain, assistant priest, catechist, parish priest, spiritual administrator, parish administrator, consenior, senior, clerical member of the church management, the highest representative of the church and religious society in the Slovak Republic, church organisation manager expert in the area of church-state relationships, expert in religious studies, a leading representative of an association, manager of a non-profit organisation. Preacher under a registered evangelical church, spiritual administrator of a church congregation, manager of a facility operated by the church, teacher in all kinds of church education, and religious education teacher at primary school.
- Mission: missionary worker in existing church communities, a worker in domestic and foreign missionary organisations, translator-interpreter-linguist
- Other areas: social worker, charity institution worker, prison/military/hospital chaplain, drug centre officer.