Faculty of Education University of Matej Bel

Actual information for aplicants

FACULTY OF EDUCATION (PF), Matej Bel University (UMB)
Ružová Street, No. 13, 974 11 Banská Bystrica, P. O. Box 43, Slovak Republic
http:/www.pdf.umb.sk  048/446 4111
Study department contacts:
[email protected] 048/4464248
[email protected] 048/4464264
romana.duchlanska@umb.sk  048/4464267
[email protected]      048/4464262 

Deadlines for submission of applications:
1st round of applications:
Until 28 February 2025 for Bachelor´s degree Studies where talent tests are held  (Teaching of Psychology and Physical Education) until 30 April 2025 for Bachelor´s, Master´s, and Doctoral´s Studies (the deadline is valid for all study programmes, except for the study programme (Teaching of Psychology and Physical Education) until 31 May 2025 for the Master´s Studie programme Teaching of Psychology and Physical Education 

2nd round of applications:
1 May to 31 May 2025 Bachelor´s degree Studies where talent tests are held (Teaching of Psychology and Physical Education) The date of the entrance examination for the study programme Teaching of Psychology and Physical Education:  1st round of the entrance examination: 14 April to 25 April 2025 - practical - talent test: Bachelor´s degree Studie 

 2nd round of the entrance examination: 1 July to 4 July 2025 - practical - talent part: Bachelor´s degree Studie.
 The specific requirements for the talent test are published at: www.ftvsz.umb.sk. 

On the basis of the decision of the faculty management, the 2nd stage for submission of applications for individual study programmes of Bachelor's and Master's degree, which fall under the PF UMB, may be announced. 

Open House will be held in person on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. 

Fee for the admission procedure: 
35 € in case of sending only printed application form for Bc, M.A., PhD.
32 € in case of online application for both full-time and part-time studies. After first registering the application in the electronic system of PF UMB here the applicant is obliged to also print this application out and send it to the address: Faculty of Education UMB, Ružová 13, 974 11 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. 

The admission fee must be paid by the applicant or person authorized by him/her by bank transfer no later than last day of deadline for applications. The application for study without a paid fee in the fixed amount will not be accepted. 

Payment by postal money order is not accepted due to the impossibility of identifying the payer in the university information system.   

Information about payment for admission procedure (also on: www.platby.umb.sk):

1/Fee payment from EU countries
Name of the account: Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
Name & address of the bank: Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15
Account number / IBAN: SK75 8180 0000 0070 0009 5590
VS (variable symbol): 7031 (for applicants into Bachelor Program) 
7032 (for applicants into Master Program) 
7033 (for applicants into PhD Program) 
KS (constant symbol): 0308 – cashless payments
ŠS (specific symbol): identification number (applicants from Slovakia) 
date of birth DDMMYY (foreign applicants)
Message for recipient: name and surname of the applicant 

2/Payment of the fee through an intermediary bank from outside the EU:
Name of the account: Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici
Name & address of the bank: Všeobecná úverová banka, a. s., Mlynské Nivy 1,  829 90 Bratislava
Account number / IBAN: SK75 8180 0000 0070 0009 5590
VS (variable symbol): 7031 (for applicants into Bachelor Program) 
7032 (for applicants into Master Program) 7033 (for applicants into PhD Program) 
KS (constant symbol): 0308 – cashless payments
ŠS (specific symbol): identification number (applicants from Slovakia) 
date of birth DDMMYY (foreign applicants)
Message for recipient: name and surname of the applicant

In the academic year 2025/2026, the Faculty of Education MBU offers the following accredited study programs: 

Accredited Study Programs for Bachelor´s and Master´degree 


Study Program 

Form of study 

(full/part time) 

Level of study 

Length of study 


of  Study 

Planned number 



Education of Children, Youth and Adults  



Banská Bystrica 



Evangelical theology and mission 



Banská Bystrica 



Pre-primary and Primary Teacher Education  



Banská Bystrica 






Banská Bystrica 



Social work  



Banská Bystrica 



Teaching of Psychology and History (*)   



Banská Bystrica 


Teaching of Psychology and Slovak Langauge and Literature (*)   



Banská Bystrica 


Teaching of Psychology and  Geography (**)   



Banská Bystrica 


Teaching of Psychology and Matematics (**)   



Banská Bystrica 


Teaching of Psychology and Physical Educational (***)   



Banská Bystrica 

Total (full-time students of bachelor courses): 




Education of Children, Youth and Adults 



Banská Bystrica 



Pre-primary and Primary Teacher Education 



Banská Bystrica 



Social work  



Banská Bystrica 


Total (part-time students of bachelor courses): 




Evangelical Theology   


Banská Bystrica 



Management and Counselling in Education 


Banská Bystrica 





Banská Bystrica 



Social work  


Banská Bystrica 



Primary Teacher Education 


Banská Bystrica 



Teaching of Psychology and History (*)   


Banská Bystrica 


Teaching of Psychology and Slovak Language and Literature (*)   


Banská Bystrica 


Teaching of Psychology and Geography (**)   


Banská Bystrica 


Teaching of Psychology and Matematics (**)   


Banská Bystrica 


Teaching of Psychology and Physical Educational (***)   


Banská Bystrica 

Total (full-time students of master courses): 




Management and Counselling in Education 


Banská Bystrica 



Social work  


Banská Bystrica 



Primary Teacher Education 


Banská Bystrica 


Total (part-time students of master courses): 


TOTAL (all students): 


(*)........interfaculty study with the Faculty of Arts, MBU
(**)      interfaculty study with the Faculty of Sciences, MBU
(***)    interfaculty study with the Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health, MBU 

Accredited doctoral study Programs 


Study Program 

Form of study 

Level of study 

Length of study 





Education Sciences 



Banská Bystrica 


Education Sciences 



Banská Bystrica 


Pre-primary and Primary Pedagogy 



Banská Bystrica 


Pre-primary and Primary Pedagogy 



Banská Bystrica 





Banská Bystrica 





Banská Bystrica 


Social Work 



Banská Bystrica 


Social Work 



Banská Bystrica 

General information about the admission procedure  
Admission to the admissions procedure is subject to completion of lower secondary education: 
- for bachelor's degree programmes - secondary education with a matriculation diploma, 
- for Master's degree programmes - Bachelor's degree. 

The content of the entrance examinations for each study programme is specified in the theses which each applicant receives together with the invitation to the entrance examinations. In the case of inter-faculty teaching study programmes, the admission conditions for the part of the study not implemented by the PF UMB are formulated and published by the respective faculty.  

If an applicant wishes to apply for more than one study programme at the PF UMB, he/she must submit a separate application for each study programme separately and pay the application fee for each application. An applicant cannot apply for the same field of study and study programme simultaneously for full-time and part-time studies.  

Applications must include all the attachments listed in the application instructions on page 3 and confirmation of payment of the fee (in some study programmes there are precisely defined attachments, in the admission requirements for the respective study programme, which are to be attached to the application, e.g. cover letter, activities...). The fee is non-refundable. Incomplete applications will be returned. Alternative or additional dates for the entrance examinations are decided by the Dean of the PF UMB on the basis of the current situation. 

Based on Act No. 137/2022 Coll., amending Act No. 131/2002 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions, according to §108e, during an emergency, state of emergency or state of exception, the method of admission is determined by the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic in accordance with the measures of the Public Health Office of the Slovak Republic.  

Studies in study programmes and forms of study which are conducted in the Slovak language (with the exception of study programmes which are accredited with English as the language of instruction) require the mastery of the Slovak language at the B2 level. We recommend that applicants from abroad verify and prove their mastery of the Slovak language either by a Slovak language matriculation examination, an ECL (European Consortium for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages) certificate of Slovak language proficiency at level B2, a certificate of Slovak language proficiency at level B2 issued by a language school included in the network of schools and school establishments of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic (the list is available on the website https://www.minedu.sk/siet-skol-a-skolskych-zariadeni-slovenskej-republiky/).  

The Slovak language proficiency of foreign applicants may be verified by a test and/or an interview in the Slovak language (with the exception of the SPs which have accredited SPs with English as the language of instruction). 

Proof of medical fitness is not required. 

The procedure for an applicant´s admission without the documents proving the complete high school education or complete vocational training is: 

  1. Special conditions and procedures of the PF UMB in relation to persons who have been granted asylum, subsidiary protection or temporary refuge: 

  • The applicant may prove the condition of attainment of full secondary education or full secondary vocational education for the purpose under Section 56(1) of the Higher Education Act by submitting a Decision on Recognition of Education Documents issued by the Regional Office of School Administration in the Slovak Republic (on completion of full secondary education or full secondary vocational education).  

  • The applicant must also fulfil other conditions for admission to the study specified by the faculty. 

  • The condition of having completed upper-secondary education or upper-secondary vocational education can be demonstrated by an affidavit (https://www.pdf.umb.sk/chcem-studovat/) and a general aptitude test. An affidavit cannot be used as a substitute for an incomplete upper secondary or secondary vocational education. Neither the affidavit nor the general aptitude test applies to applicants for the second cycle of higher education. 

  • The General Aptitude Test, as one of the minimum admission requirements, is a compulsory part of the admission procedure. The test is conducted by the PF UMB. The applicant will be informed about the date and form in due time. 

  • The admission procedure is subject to a fee. The applicant may apply for a waiver of the fee associated with the admission procedure by submitting an application to the Dean of the PF UMB.  

  • A student who has been granted asylum, temporary refuge or subsidiary protection is not obliged to pay the tuition fees. 

  1. Special conditions and procedures of the PF UMB in relation to persons who have not been granted asylum, subsidiary protection or temporary shelter: 

  • Submits a Decision on Recognition of Education Documents issued by the Regional Office of School Administration in the Slovak Republic (on completion of full secondary or full secondary vocational education).  

  • The applicant must meet all the admission requirements set by the faculty. 

Bachelor's degree programmes  

Officially certified documents of successful completion of the matriculation examination for admission to bachelor study programmes must be delivered to the study department of the Faculty of Education of Matej Bel University immediately after the examination.  

Master's study programmes  

Evidence of successful completion of bachelor studies, including a statement of the weighted grade point average achieved during bachelor studies (confirmed by the study department of the faculty where the applicant completed the first cycle of studies), must be delivered to the study department of the Faculty of Education of the University of Matej Bel. 

The principles of conducting entrance examinations apply to full-time and part-time study.  

  • The Dean of faculty has the right, based on the current status (mostly according to the number of registered applications), to decide not to open a certain study program in the given academic year. 

  • The Dean of faculty may, on the basis of the current status of the number of submitted applications for the relevant study program, decide not to take the entrance examinations or any part thereof (eg reduction of criteria). The dean of Faculty of Education of Matej Bel University definitively decides on the admission. 

  • The basic condition for admission to study is the successful completion of entrance examinations, unless the Dean decides otherwise. 

  • If the number of applicants for the bachelor's degree exceeds the number admitted to the study program (in the absence of admission interviews), the faculty has the right to select applicants according to the average acquaintance at the school-leaving examination. 

  • If the number of applicants for the master's degree exceeds the planned number admitted to the study program (in the absence of admission interviews), it will be admitted on the basis of the results achieved in state examinations in the bachelor's degree and according to the expected number of received. 

  • Within 30 days after the end of the entrance examinations, applicants will receive a notification of admission or non-admission to the study. In accordance with the Statute of Faculty of Education of Matej Bel University, applicants may appeal against the Dean's decision not to admit to study within 8 days of receiving the notice. 

  • In special cases, the decision on admission may be conditional, which, after the completion of a defined condition, will take effect within a specified period. 

  • An applicant who does not prove the fulfillment of the basic conditions for admission to the study at the time of verification of the fulfillment of the conditions for admission may be admitted to the study conditionally provided that he / she is required to prove the fulfillment of the basic conditions of admission to the study no later than on the day of enrollment. 

Applicants from abroad 

  • According to Act No.422/2015 Coll. on the Recognition of Educational Proofs and on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts, applicants for studies who have completed a previous degree abroad are obliged to submit the recognition of a proof of education obtained outside the territory of the Slovak Republic (the nostrification of a matriculation certificate or a Bachelor's or Master's diploma) 

  • Recognition of a document of education of a graduate of a secondary school abroad is the responsibility of the Regional Education Office, which issues a decision after all conditions have been fulfilled. Recognition of a university graduate's education document (1st degree and 2nd degree in case of continuation at a higher level) abroad is the responsibility of the university, which will issue a decision after all conditions have been met. Exceptions are documents obtained on the territory of the Czech Republic, for which recognition is not necessary. 

The entrance examination for individual Bachelor´s study programs  

Education of Children, Youth and Adults (Bachelor’s degree) - the basic condition for admission to the study is the acquisition of a complete secondary education completed by the final school-leaving examination. Admission will be granted to applicants who meet the defined criteria in the following areas:   

  1. the result of a written test in pedagogy, psychology, sociology, philosophy, social science within the scope of the secondary school curriculum and a general overview of current problems of education and training of children, youth and adults in Slovakia, 

  1. a personal interview for the motivation letter, where the applicant will justify his/her interest in the study programme, indicate his/her abilities, skills and commitment to work with children, youth and adults in non-formal education,   

  1. the average of the grades from the end-of-year assessment for the 1st - 3rd year of secondary school and the semester of the final year of study at secondary school.  

Pre-primary and Elementary Teacher Education (Bachelor’s degree) - the basic condition for admission to the study is the acquisition of a complete secondary education completed by the final school-leaving examination. Admission will be granted to applicants who meet the defined criteria in the following areas:    

  1. the result of a written test which measures the applicant's general knowledge,   

  1. the average of the grades in the end-of-year assessment for the 1st-3rd year of secondary school in the subject’s Slovak language and literature, mathematics and foreign language, 

  1. the applicant's activities, only activities documented by certificates, diplomas, diplomas or certificates from the organisation where they were carried out will be taken into account. The following activities will be assessed: primary art school, secondary vocational school (SOT), participation in competitions in art, sports, creative and other activities, educational activities and volunteering in the field of work with pre-school and younger school-age children, involvement in extracurricular activities, study abroad, participation in the Duke of Edinburgh International Award (DofE) programme, or other activities that the admissions board judges to be relevant in relation to the programme of study.  

In the second round of the admissions procedure, the applicants' communication and personal qualities for the chosen profession will be examined in a personal interview.  

Applicants from abroad must demonstrate a B2 level of Slovak language proficiency. As the compulsory study subjects include those in which the student demonstrates sports fitness, applicants are advised to enter the study in the knowledge that their state of health will enable them to fulfil the requirements.  

Social Work (Bachelor’s degree) - Social work (1st degree) - the basic condition for admission to the study is the acquisition of a complete secondary education completed by the matriculation examination. Applicants will be admitted on the basis of the results of an oral interview. The content of the oral interview will include the following topics: demonstration of aptitudes and abilities for university studies, communication skills, motivation to study, social situation, current socio-political overview, the applicant's involvement in volunteering, extracurricular activities, non-formal education activities, etc. 

Psychology (Bachelor’s degree) - the basic condition for admission to the study is the acquisition of a complete secondary education completed by the matriculation examination. Applicants will be admitted on the basis of the results of a written test, which tests knowledge of the subject of psychology and of the subject of biology within the scope of the secondary school curriculum; ability to work with text in the English language at B1 level; general reasoning abilities (solving verbal, numerical, logical and abstract problems) and the prerequisites of the personality profile.  

Teacher of Psychology (Bachelor’s degree) - the basic condition for admission to the study is the acquisition of a complete secondary) - the basic condition for admission to the study is the acquisition of a complete secondary education completed by the matriculation examination. Applicants will be admitted on the basis of the results of a written test which tests knowledge of the subject of psychology and the subject of biology within the scope of the secondary school curriculum.  

Evangelical Theology and Mission (Bachelor’s degree) - the basic condition for admission to the study is the acquisition of a complete secondary) - the basic condition for admission to the study programme is the completion of a full secondary education leading to the baccalaureate examination. Admission will be granted to applicants who meet the defined criteria in a personal interview, which tests the applicant's knowledge of biblical studies and church history based on the prescribed literature (listed on the department's website) and the applicant's communication skills. 

The entrance examination for individual Master’s study programs  

Management and Counselling in Education (Master’s degree) - the basic condition for admission is the completion of a bachelor's degree programme in the field of study Teaching and Educational Sciences, or another (related) field of study after assessment by the study programme sponsor. Applicants who fulfil the defined criteria in the following areas will be admitted:   

  1. the results of an oral interview with the applicant, where the results of previous studies at the first cycle of higher education and the results of the final Bachelor's thesis are ascertained,   

  1. the activities in the applicant's portfolio will be evaluated and only activities supported by certificates, diplomas, diplomas, or certificates from the organisation where the applicant's own activities and involvement in the practice of education and training of children, youth and adults, or seniors have been carried out will be taken into account.  The following activities will be evaluated: participation in competitions in artistic, sporting, creative and other activities, educational activities and volunteering in the field of work with pre-school and younger school-age children, adults and seniors, involvement in extracurricular activities, study abroad, participation in the DofE programme (Duke of Edinburgh International Prize), or other activities organised by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic, or other activities organised by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic, or by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic. Other activities that the admissions committee judges relevant to the study programme. 

Primary Teacher Education (Master’s degree) - The basic condition for admission is the completion of a bachelor's degree programme in teaching and educational sciences. Graduates of the Early Childhood and Elementary Education programme, for whom this study is primarily intended, will be admitted on the basis of the weighted average of their undergraduate studies. The average will include the grades of the courses taken in the 1st and 2nd years of the Bachelor's degree and the courses taken in the winter semester of the 3rd year of the degree. A critical threshold of weighted average will be set for admission under this criterion. Graduates of other programmes in teaching and educational sciences and graduates of pre-school and elementary education with a weighted average above the critical threshold will be admitted on the basis of the results of an entrance examination which will examine their aptitude for studying teaching for primary education. Applicants from abroad must demonstrate a B2 level of the Slovak language.  

Social Work (Master’s degree) - the basic condition for admission is the completion of a bachelor's degree programme in social work or in another (related) field of study after assessment by the study programme sponsor. Applicants will be admitted on the basis of the results of an oral interview. The content of the oral interview includes the following topics: an overview of the profile subjects of the Bachelor's degree programme in social work, motivation for study, the solution of a model situation in the field of social work, activities in the field of social work during the previous years.  

Psychology (Master’s degree) – The basic condition for admission is the completion of a bachelor's degree programme in psychology, or the completion of a master's degree programme in psychology teaching (combined) in the field of teaching and educational sciences. Candidates who fulfil the defined criteria in the following areas will be admitted:   

  1. the weighted average for the relevant level of study, taking into account for applicants of the Bachelor's degree in Psychology the 1st year of study, the 2nd year of study and the winter semester of the 3rd year of study, and for applicants of the Master's degree in Psychology Teacher Education (Combined) the weighted average for the whole of the 1st level of study, including the state examination, the 1st year of Master degree study and the winter semester of the 2nd year of the 2nd year the Master of study,  

  1. the activities of the applicant, taking into account the activities evidenced by certificates, diplomas, diplomas, or certificates from the organisation, institution, etc., where the applicant's activities or activities were carried out. The following activities will be assessed: active participation in the departmental round of the SSCS; placing in the first three places in the departmental round of the SSCS; active participation in the national or international round of the SSCS; participation of the student in mobility; participation in an educational activity, educational programme (course, seminar, workshop) accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic, the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Slovak Republic; participation in an educational activity (course, seminar, workshop) that has not been accredited; active participation in a scientific professional psychological event of the nature of a conference, organized by e.g. The participation in a conference organised by the Slovak Psychological Society, the Association of School Psychology, psychology departments within universities in the Slovak Republic, the Slovak Academy of Sciences (e.g. Psychological Days, Social Processes and Personality, Ďurič Days, etc.); professional foreign events organised by foreign or international organisations, societies or associations. 

Teaching of Psychology (Master’s degree) - the basic condition for admission is the completion of a Bachelor's degree programme in Teaching Psychology (combined) in the field of study Teaching and Educational Sciences. Admission will be granted to applicants who meet the defined criteria in the following areas:   

  1. a weighted average for the Bachelor's degree in Teaching Psychology (Combined) in Teaching and Educational Sciences, taking into account the 1st year of study, the 2nd year of study and the winter semester of the 3rd year of study,  

  1. the applicant's activities, taking into account activities supported by certificates, diplomas, diplomas, or certificates from the organisation, institution, etc. where the applicant's activities and/or volunteer activities have been carried out. The following activities will be assessed: active participation in the departmental round of the SSCS; placement in the first three places in the departmental round of the SSCS; active participation in the national or international round of the SSCS; participation of the student in mobility; participation in an educational activity, an educational programme (course, seminar, workshop) accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic, the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Slovak Republic; participation in an educational activity (course, seminar, workshop) that has not been accredited; participation in a volunteer activity and the applicant's involvement in activities in the pedagogical and psychological sciences. 

Evangelical Theology (Master’s degree) - the applicant has to provide evidence about successful completion of Bachelor’s Program of Evangelical theology and mission or a related theological study program. The entrance examination committee assesses the results of bachelor studies using a point scale. The quality of knowledge related to evangelical theology and mission is assessed. The candidates with the highest number of points and knowledge level will be admitted to this study.  

More detailed information about individual study programs and admissions can be found on the Faculty of Education Matej Bel University website and on the individual departments. 

General pre-conditions for admission into Doctoral studies (PhD.) 

The conditions of admission to the 3rd level of study are regulated by the Study Regulations of the University of Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica and the Methodological Instruction of the PF UMB No.1/2022 to ensure the quality of doctoral studies at the Faculty of Education MBU. 

The basic condition for admission to doctoral studies is the completion of a second-degree study program and the successful completion of an entrance examination. The condition of admission is the successful completion of the second stage of university study in the relevant field of study according to the fields listed below. The candidate registers for one of the listed thesis topics for a specific supervisor. The lists of topics and supervisors will be published on www.pdf.umb.sk after February 28, 2025. 

The applicant for doctoral studies is obliged to enter in the application a foreign language from which he / she will take the entrance examination (English, French, Russian, German). The method and content of the admission procedure will be carried out by the faculty in such a way that the candidates with the best preconditions for a high-quality scientific research plan are accepted. The admission procedure takes place before the admissions committee, which is common to all study programs. 


The applicant attaches to the application: 

  • curriculum vitae, 

  • declaration / certificate of permanent residence, 

  • certified copies of educational attainment; the applicant who has completed the second degree of study at the Faculty of MBU, for which he / she is applying for a doctoral study, submits copies of the documents on the achieved education without official verification, 

  • proposal of the dissertation project, in which the applicant demonstrates knowledge of the issue, research methodology and literature according to the topic (2 copies), 

  • an overview of his/her previous scientific and publishing activity, listing all current activities related to scientific activity or topic of the thesis (participation in research and other projects, participation and placement in SVOUČ (university scientific or art competition), active presentations at conferences and seminars, education completed, other activities of the applicant related to the chosen field of study), a list of own publications including professional publishing on websites, foreign internships and stays at relevant institutions, including Erasmus, volunteering activities, etc., 

  • other documents required by the faculty (proof of payment of the fee for the admission procedure and others). 

If the applicant does not meet the conditions published on the faculty's website, the faculty will return the application form together with the attached documents with a brief justification to the applicant for doctoral studies. If the applicant fulfils the conditions published on the faculty's website, the faculty shall send the applicant a written invitation to the entrance examination no later than 14 days before the date of the admission procedure and shall also inform him/her of the content of the entrance examination. A copy of the invitation shall be included in the applicant's personal file.  


The condition for acceptance is a successful completion of the admission test in three parts:    

  1. the professional knowledge of the relevant department with emphasis on the proposed topic and its context according to the researched project,    

  1. knowledge of research methodology and preconditions of the applicant for scientific-research, resp. scientific and organizational activities; they are verified from two aspects: 1. knowledge of research methods, procedures, resp. tools according to the topic of the work and the researched project, but also 2. all previous activities related to scientific, project, publishing or practice related to the topic of the work    

  1. knowledge of a foreign language, which allows independent study of foreign literature and especially ability to communicate in a foreign language, ability to communicate professionally on the topic of the thesis, ability to understand a professional text.     

A relevant scoring system is developed for the evaluation, based on which all candidates are ranked according to two forms of study (full-time and part-time) and the candidates with the highest scoring are accepted, regardless of the study program. The number of students admitted to individual doctoral study programs is not determined in advance, but only based on the results of entrance exams. An exception is the case if the workplace to which the study program belongs, obtained funds for a doctoral position, e.g. from the project, resp. from other external sources.    


Education Sciences (Doctoral degree PhD.) - the basic condition for admission is the completion of a 2nd cycle study programme in the field of study Teaching and Educational Sciences, or another (related) field of study or comparable study programmes and disciplines abroad, and successful completion of the entrance examination. 


Pre-primary and Primary Pedagogy (Doctoral degree PhD.) - the basic condition for admission is the completion of the 2nd cycle of studies in the following study programmes: teaching for 1. Primary school level, teaching for primary education and pre-school pedagogy, exceptionally in the study programmes: pedagogy, social pedagogy, special pedagogy, leisure time pedagogy and teaching of general education subjects in any approbation, if the candidate will interdisciplinary develop the issue of education of pre-school or younger school-age children, or interdisciplinary relevant issues and successful completion of the entrance examination.  


Theology (Doctoral degree PhD.) - the basic prerequisite for admission is the completion of the second cycle of studies in theology or in another (related) field of study with proficiency in the biblical languages of Hebrew and Greek and successful completion of the entrance examination. 


Social Work (Doctoral degree PhD.) - the basic condition for admission is the completion of the 2nd cycle of studies in the field of study social work or in another (related) field of study after assessment by the person responsible for the social work study programme at Faculty of Education MBU. 


Information about ‘small doctorate’ (called ‘rigorous’) procedure of Faculty of Educational Matej Bel Uviersity 

The candidate may apply for a ‘small doctorate’ title procedure at the Faculty of Educational Matej Bel University in the study program, in which the faculty conducts so called rigorous thesis and exam procedures, leading to awarding the small doctorate title. The exams for the ‘small doctorate’ and defense of the ‘small doctorate’ thesis which is its precondition are governed by Act no. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments to Certain Acts and on the current directive at Faculty of Educational Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica.   

Graduates of the 2nd (Master) degree study programs can take a ‘small doctorate’ examination, which includes the defense of a thesis in the field of study in which they obtained their university degree. By means of this examination and the defense of a thesis, the candidate has to prove on the basis of self-study that he / she has deeper knowledge in his / her field of study and is able to acquire new knowledge of science and practice independently and able to apply the acquired knowledge creatively in practice.    

The Faculty of Educational Matej Bel University has the right to conduct ‘small doctorate’ examinations and defense of a thesis in the following study programs:   

  • Teaching and Pedagogical Sciences, 

  • Social Work, 

  • Psychology, 

  • Theology. 

After defending the thesis and passing an oral exam, the graduates are awarded: 

  1. the academic degree ‘Doctor of Education’ (abbreviated to ‘PaedDr.’) in the study programs of the study fields of Teaching and Pedagogical Sciences;    

  1. the academic title of Doctor of Philosophy' (abbreviated to ‘PhDr.’) in the study programs of the study fields Social Work and Psychology;    

  1. the academic title of ‘Doctor of Theology’ (abbreviated to ‘ThDr.’) in the study program of the study field of Theology.    

Full information on ‘small doctorate’ procedures at FE UMB can be found at https://www.pdf.umb.sk/studenti/studujem/rigorozne-konanie.html.    


Accommodation and catering options for students 

The students of the Faculty of Education of the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica have the possibility of accommodation in student dormitories. Student canteens provide meals. Information about accommodation will be delivered to the applicant by post, together with the decision on admission to study and other information.    


Career opportunities for the graduates 


Education of Children, Youth and Adults (Bachelor’s degree) - the graduate can be employed as: 

  • educator, animator of leisure time in schools, school facilities (kindergartens, CCD, CVČ, ŠI, re-education centers, medical-educational sanatorium, diagnostic center, school in nature), social facilities (center for children and families), recreational facilities (tourism facilities) children's camps, social service homes, in non-governmental and non-profit organizations working with children and youth in leisure time (community centers, low-threshold centers), 

  • lecturer-methodologist-consultant in educational, cultural and awareness-raising institutions, as a professional worker in education in public administration, local government and state administration, but also in legal entities that provide educational services to clients or provide education and development of employees in the organisation for their own employees,  

  • self-employed in the educational services sector.  


Management and Counselling in Education (Master’s degree) - The study is conceived in a modular way, either the student focuses on (1.) social and educational activities for children and youth or on (2.) education and training of youth, adults and seniors.    Depending on the chosen module, the graduate can apply as: 

  • social pedagogue in schools and educational institutions, 

  • professional worker (specialist) in the field of education; methodologist in the management of the pedagogical process in state and private schools and educational institutions; specialist in the field of education and human resources development at universities; manager, leader, supervisor, consultant, specialist, advisor, tutor, mediator in the field of education; manager, manager in the education and development of employees; consultant in the education and development of learning individuals, work teams and organizations, 

  • as a self-employed person in the education services sector. 


Pre-primary and Primary Teacher Education (Bachelor's degree) - the graduate of this study program is qualified to be a kindergarten teacher (Kindergarten teacher, Worker in upbringing and education in another preschool facility), educator in the children's school club (Educator - except educator for people with special needs) and pedagogical assistant in kindergarten and primary school.  


Primary Teacher Education (Master’s degree) - the graduate is ready to work independently as a primary education teacher.  


Social work (Bachelor’s degree) - the graduate is qualified to work as an assistant of social work, professional assistant of social services, instructor of social rehabilitation, professional worker in the field of monetary contributions to compensate for the consequences of severe disability, professional worker in the field of assistance in material need and state social benefits, professional worker in the field of social counselling, professional worker in the field of providing contributions to active labour market measures, community worker, field social worker and guardian/guardian for minors and adults appointed by a competent court within the framework of state administration, local government, non-profit organisations, social services and social-legal protection and social guardianship institutions, institutions for the execution of imprisonment and detention, health care institutions, international institutions focusing on social and humanitarian aid, the business sector in the field of social services and social counselling, and other organisations and institutions. 


Social Work (Master’s degree) - the graduate is qualified to work as a social worker, assessing social worker, social counsellor, counsellor for individual, couple and family, specialist in the field of social and family policy, specialist in the field of employment policy and labour market, professional worker of employment counselling services, professional worker of self-government in the social field, professional worker in the field of social and legal protection of children, specialist of local government for social services, specialist of social probation, director of social and legal protection of children and social probation, director of social service institutions, senior worker in the non-profit sector, as coordinator of various projects or worker and director in social enterprises.   


Psychology (Bachelor’s degree) - the graduate is qualified to perform the profession of an assistant psychologist (supportive psychological activities of an assistant assigned to various work-functional positions in the field of scientific-research, work, clinical, counselling, educational, forensic and other).  The graduate of the bachelor's degree is prepared to continue his/her studies in the same study programme or in a related study programme at the 2nd level of higher education. 


Psychology (Master’s degree) - the graduate is qualified to practice the profession of a psychologist in diverse areas of psychology and to continue his/her studies in this programme at the 3rd level of higher education. The acquired expertise can be applied within the organizations of state administration, local government, non-profit sector and business sphere. 


Teaching of Psychology (Bachelor’s degree) - the graduate is qualified to exercise the profession of a teacher's assistant, a pedagogical worker for extracurricular activities in the field of his/her field and an administrative-methodological worker in the state administration. A graduate of the Bachelor's degree in teaching is prepared to continue his/her studies in the same study programme or a related study programme at the second cycle of higher education.    


Teaching of Psychology (Master’s degree) - the graduate is qualified to exercise the profession of a teacher for pedagogical work at the 2nd level of primary schools and at all types of secondary schools. Theoretical knowledge of professional disciplines will enable them to apply in social, cultural, educational and physical education institutions, editorial offices and advertising agencies, as well as in scientific institutes and economic practice.    


Evangelical Theology and Mission (Bachelor’s degree) - the graduates of the Evangelical Theology and Mission Bachelor study program are qualified to perform clerical activity primarily in Evangelical church congregations, in organizations focused on education, charity, diaconical, and missionary activity, and serve in churches and non-governmental organizations requiring the Bachelor’s degree, e.g. missionary church posting, mission abroad, Christian kids’ clubs, facilities providing basic subsistence (reception centers, shelters, halfway houses for ex-convicts, low-threshold daily children and family centers, emergency housing, supported housing and social services facilities, prison, police, army, and hospital pastoral care. youth work, daily senior centers, Roma mission, ecumenical activity, Christian publishing houses and biblical societies, Christian diaconical and charity institutions, Evangelism centers, Christian radio, and TV broadcasting, and media activity. The graduates can work in the following areas:    

  • Church: deacon, chaplain, assistant priest, catechist, parish priest, spiritual administrator, parish administrator, consenior, senior, clerical member of the church management, the highest representative of the church and religious society in the Slovak Republic, church organisation manager expert in the area of church-state relationships, expert in religious studies, a leading representative of an association, manager of a non-profit organisation. Preacher under a registered evangelical church, spiritual administrator of a church congregation, manager of a facility operated by the church, teacher in all kinds of church education, and religious education teacher at primary school.     

  • Mission: missionary worker in existing church communities, a worker in domestic and foreign missionary organisations, translator-interpreter-linguist     

  • Other areas: social worker, charity institution worker, prison/military/hospital chaplain, drug centre officer.    


Evangelical Theology (Master’s degree) - the graduates of the Evangelical Theology Master study programme are qualified to work mainly in church congregations and parachurch organisations, specifically in positions requiring independence, creativity, and invention. They can also work in educational, missionary, and social organisations, free-time activities organised by the state, public service, churches, and NGOs requiring the Master degree, e.g. missionary church posting, mission abroad, Christian kids’ clubs, youth work, daily senior centers, Roma mission, ecumenical activity, Christian publishing houses and biblical societies, Christian diaconical and charity institutions, Evangelism centres, Christian radio, and TV broadcasting, media activity, chaplain activity in prisons, hospitals, police, and army. The graduates can work in the following areas:     

  • Church: deacon, chaplain, assistant priest, catechist, parish priest, spiritual administrator, parish administrator, consenior, senior, clerical member of the church management, the highest representative of the church and religious society in the Slovak Republic, church organisation manager expert in the area of church-state relationships, an expert in religious studies, a leading representative of an association, manager of a non-profit organisation, preacher under a registered evangelical church, spiritual administrator of a church congregation, manager of a facility operated by the church, teacher in all kinds of church education, religious education teacher at primary school.    

  • Mission: A missionary of the existing church communities, worker in domestic and international missionary organisations, translator-interpreter-linguist    

  • Other areas: social facility worker, charity institution worker, prison/military/hospital chaplain, drug center officer.   


Education Sciences (Doctoral degree PhD.) - the graduate is able to work independently as a pedagogical assistant or researcher in the field of education and training, as an analyst in the field of education and training and as a manager in the field of education and training. The graduate can find employment in tertiary education (college, university); in governmental and non-governmental sector organisations in the field of education and training (e.g. National Institute of Education and Youth, Institute for Education Policy, Institute for a Well-Governed Society, Centre for Research on Ethnicity and Culture, Centre for Economic and Social Analysis, etc.); in private educational and analytical organisations and companies; but also as a self-employed person in the educational services sector.  


Pre-primary and Primary Pedagogy (Doctoral degree PhD.) - The study programme responds to the current needs of educational practice, as well as to international requirements for quality research and the potential development of individual scientific disciplines. By its offer it creates a prerequisite for the continuous quality improvement of the preparation of a new generation of creative, internationally and interdisciplinarily prepared university teachers - assistant professors, researchers (in the sense of the requirement for the preparation of 'young researchers'), capable of quality research in the field of education and training at the international level, in teamwork with other experts, contributing to the development of educational sciences, as well as managers and experts competent to carry out analyses in the field of education and training.  


Theology (Doctoral degree PhD.) - the graduates of the third degree of this university study program are competent to carry out conceptual theological and scientific activities; conceptual professional theological activities in the area of theological theory and its practice; as well as explaining the Christian worldview based on professional exegesis of the Bible. They are ready to carry out leadership positions in the church and para-church, diaconal and ecumenical institutions and organizations. They can teach theological subjects at university level and take positions of professional staff to teach and prepare the specialized workers for church and religious organizations. They are capable to comprehend the relationship between natural sciences, humanities and theological sciences. They are competent to carry out research in theology and related fields. From the personality point of view, they are well educated both in science and faith, and they have a broader insight into issues of current philosophical and theological and ethical debate. They are able to process this information in a logical and sensitive way as well as to argument and to publicly respond to the controversial ethical and social issues relating to the Christian faith, religion and culture.   


Social Work (Doctoral degree PhD.) - the graduate is qualified for the performance of scientific research, publishing, project, analytical and expert activities and is capable of innovation, development and support of social work as a science and at the same time new ideas and procedures based on research and project activities. Is prepared to articulate information about the outputs and conclusions of scholarly, research and development work internationally and is able to be a full member of research teams.  


Information for applicants with specific needs 


How do I apply to study at the FE UMB if I have a specific need? 

Relevant information can be obtained from the competent staff of the Faculty of Education of UMB - Vice-Dean for Pedagogical activities, coordinator for contacts with students with Specific Needs, or the head of the Study Department. 

How to choose a study program: 

  1. Consider the prerequisites for the selected study program in terms of: 

  • knowledge level and preconditions, 

  • technical and personal preparedness and motivation, 

  • claims on the content, scope and form of the study, 

  • the conditions offered by the university, 

  • limits resulting from disability. 

  1. Try to obtain qualified information about the difficulty and conditions of the study well in advance. 

  1. Contact a faculty employee personally to discuss your needs and support options. In case if the selected study program requires an entrance exam - if necessary, write and send a request for an alternative form of the entrance examination together with the rest of the application for your study.  

Students with specific needs at the Faculty of Education, MBU - assumptions: 

A student is well prepared and well equipped for university studies in case if he/she possesses /has at his/her disposal the required: 

  • knowledge potential, 

  • study/learning habits, 

  • dispositions for study in general and for a certain study program, 

  • habits and abilities to use his/her own functional potential to maximize self-sufficiency in the study. 

That means that a student with these prerequisites will require special support, personal assistance and assistance from the surrounding environment only in situations where the particular obstacle to his / her study is insurmountable by himself / herself. 

Coordinator for students with special education needs: 
PhDr. Patrícia Zólyomiová, PhD. (Office No. C 128); 
e-mail: [email protected]  048/ 446 4761;