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doc. PaedDr. Simoneta Babiaková, PhD.
Pedagogická fakulta UMB - Katedra EPPg Pedagogická fakulta UMB - Katedra EPPg
974 11 Banská Bystrica

Professional characteristics

Doc. PaedDr. Simoneta Babiaková, PhD. works in the Department of Elementary and Preschool Pedagogy of the Faculty of Education Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. She focuses in her research activities on the topic of the teacher profession and school management. In her professional career, she focuses particularly on the didactics of early reading and writing and the reading literacy of the younger school age learners. She participated in the process of establishing the Primary Education Teacher and Pre-Primary Education Teacher Standard within the work group appointed by the Slovak Ministry of Education. She is a long-term member of the AR by the Slovak Ministry of Education for continuing education of the education and expert employees. She mentors master and doctoral theses covering the topics of language and literary literacy, reading literacy and the evaluation of early reading and writing. She is the author, co-author and scientific co-editor of 20 monographs and over 118 articles, including: Pedagogika voľného času a školské kluby detí [Leisure time pedagogy and school children's clubs] (2007); Kontinuálne profesijné vzdelávanie učiteľov [Continual Professional Education of Teachers](2008); Obsahová integrácia v elementárnej a predškolskej edukácii [Content integration in elementary and pre-school education] (2009); Učiteľ preprimárneho a primárneho vzdelávania. Profesiografia v slovensko-česko-poľskom výskume [Teacher of pre-primary and primary education. Profesiography in Slovak-Czech-Polish Research] (2011); Riadenie školy v meniacich sa spoločenských podmienkach [School management in changing social conditions] (2011); Diagnostikovanie, hodnotenie a evalvácia v škole [Diagnosis, assessment and evaluation at school] (2012); Autoevalvácia školy a učiteľa [School and teacher self-evaluation] (2013); Jazykové spôsobilosti a ich diagnostikovanie v ranom vzdelávaní [Language skills and their diagnosis in early education] (2013); Progresívny učiteľ. Autoevalvácia v teóriách a výskumoch [Progressive Teacher. Autoevaluation in theories and research] (2014); Deti na prahu vzdelávania. Dôvody a možnosti ich skúmania [Children on the threshold of education. Reasons and possibilities of their exploration] (2016). Čitateľstvo slovenských detí. Výskum detského čitateľstva a medzinárodné komparácie [Reading of Slovak children. Research of children´s reading and international comparisons] (2020). She participated in 43 (over 28 foreign) conferences and in 10 research projects – in 3 as the coordinator.

Consulting hours

09:00 - 10:00
09:00 - 10:00
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