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doc. PaedDr. Lenka Rovňanová, PhD.
Pedagogická fakulta UMB Ružová 13
974 11 Banská Bystrica
Slovenská republika

Professional characteristics

Professional profile 


Before arriving at FE MBU (Faculty of Education Matej Bel University)

After successfully graduating from the grammar school in Poprad in 1986-1991, she studied the combination of Russian language and literature together with pedagogy at the Prešov Faculty of Arts of the Pavel Jozef Šafárik University of Košice. She worked for almost twenty years in regional education (leisure time coordinator (Detva), primary school teacher (Detva, Zvolen), deputy principal of primary school (Zvolen), teacher of continuing education at Methodological and Pedagogical Center in Bratislava (MPC)) and completed other qualification studies: ethical education (1995), professional training for educational and training activities for children in matters of parenting, marriage and the ethics of intimate relationships (1996), training of leading pedagogical staff (2001), personnel management and school marketing (2008), psychology teacher (2010) and further education aimed at effective communication and student participation in teaching and the use of ICT in the work of teachers. She holds the "Modern Teacher" certificate from Microsoft Slovakia (2005). In the years 2007 - 2010 she was a member of the Central Subject Commission for Ethical Education at the State Pedagogical Institute in Bratislava. Since 1994, she has been cooperating with the MPC in various positions and activities.


Upon arrival at FE MBU

She has been working at FE MBU in Banská Bystrica since November 2009 at the Department of Pedagogy, and since 2017 at the position of associate professor. Here she successfully passed rigorous exams in 2013 and also completed an external doctoral study. In 2017, she successfully completed her habilitation in the field of pedagogy. In her research activities, she is engaged in the profesiographic research of the teaching profession, the university training of future teachers, their further professional development, and in this area she also publishes scientific and professional studies. In pedagogical activities, she teaches the issue of entry of beginning teachers into practice, general didactics, general pedagogy, alternative pedagogical concepts, multicultural and sexual education, legislation and management of education, pedagogical communication and cross-sectional topics in education. Since 2013, he has been involved in teaching the common university subject of service learning. In 2015, as a member of the author's team, she received the Rector's Award for the university textbook Service learning - Innovative learning strategy in the field of (own) further education. It focuses on strengthening scientific research competencies. In cooperation with students and colleagues, she organized meetings with interesting people from (educational) practice in the cycle "People from educational practice" for students and employees of FE MBU

From May 2012 she was a member and secretary of FE MBU senate and from January 2015 a member of the university academical senate until April 2017, when she became a member of the new management of FE MBU and still holds the position of vice-dean for pedagogical activities. She is a member of the Scientific Board of FE MBU and several working committees of FE MBU.

She collaborates in the organization of professional and scientific conferences, editions of conference proceedings. She is an assessor of monographies, scientific and professional studies in Slovakia and abroad, scientific and educational projects in various grant schemes.

She is the author and co-author of 102 publications (book publications, scientific and professional works; of which 28 foreign and 3 registered in the WOS and SCOPUS databases). It records 195 responses to its work, of which 70 are foreign (9 registered in the WOS and SCOPUS citation indices). She has participated in 17 international and national scientific research and educational projects. She is the guarantor of the bachelor's study program in pedagogy - education. Under her guidance, one student has already successfully completed her PhD studies (2019) Currently she leads two PhD students.


Other activities

She is the president and statutory representative of the civic association Society for Planned Parenthood. In this activity, she had represented the Slovak Republic as an expert in several foreign projects. She has published textbooks and professional publications for education in the field of sexual and reproductive health in primary and secondary schools and has actively participated in several international congresses abroad. She cooperates with the Technical University in Zvolen within the supplementary pedagogical study, Methodological and Pedagogical Center as a senior expert in activities focused on professional development of pedagogical and professional staff, the Ministry of Health and its contributory organization Healthy Regions in preparing and implementing programs aimed at promoting health among disadvantaged groups and their value orientation in marginalized Roma communities in Slovakia; with the Institute for Research on Work and Family and its Coordination and Methodological Center in the field of creating teaching resources, preparation and implementation of educational activities aimed at the prevention and elimination of gender discrimination and gender-based violence. She works as a lecturer in non-formal education programs organized by third sector entities in the field of sexual and reproductive health, including sexual education in the context of education for marriage and parenthood. In cooperation with the National Forestry Center in Zvolen, she participates in the development of the Forest Pedagogy educational program and, as a lecturer, provides education in the field of general didactics and pedagogical communication. She is the holder of the award of the National Forestry Center in Zvolen for personal contribution in the development of the concept of forest pedagogy as a part of environmental education in Slovakia (2019). She actively cooperates in the field of non-formal education with various subjects of regional education.


Consulting hours

10:30 - 12:30
V utorok prebiehajú konzultačné hodiny na PF UMB na Ružovej 13 (na dekanáte, resp. na katedre). Vzhľadom k mojej pracovnej vyťaženosti odporúčam, aby ste si konzultácie vopred dohodli telefonicky alebo mailom.